Author Archives: admin

Wild Sleep (Album) 2023

“Raindrops falling, time moves in. Seconds without history. Minutes without astronomy. A time, that did not realise it’s time. Erstwhile the clocks were ticking dissimilar. Winter is summer, autumn is spring. The spells change, the heartbeat maintains. Here is “Wild … Continue reading

Cyborg Barbie 2023

Cyborg Barbie takes form as four songs released on an edition of forty recycled cassettes hand spliced to length. You can listen to Cyborg Barbie on Bandcamp.

Lord Pusswhip – Dog Eats Rabbit 2021

Made for Lord Pusswhip: a Neukölln horror action performed, shot and edited together with Alexandra Macdonnell. Additional appearances by Markus and Kati.  Watch.

Call From U 2019

Call From U was shot on 16mm film and hand drawn onto in the editing process. It features a track from the album Prol. See it on Youtube here.    

Prol (Video Installation) 2019

As her final project for her Art and Media postgraduate course at the Berlin University of Arts (UdK) Hannah Schiefelbein produced an album entitled Prol and directed and performed in music videos for its tracks. The music videos were exhibited … Continue reading

Mr Freedom 2019

Shot on the coast of Peru for the track Mr Freedom from the album Prol. Camera by Martin Ortiz. Watch here.

Prol (Album) 2019

“Intermittently written and recorded between 2015 and 2019 across Berlin, Australia & Peru, Prol transmits a sharply delivered sense of fracture and disorientation that is at once caustic, languorous and euphoric. Electronics trail off down perverse paths, snarling dissonances and … Continue reading

Glass Eaters 2017

A pseudo-documentary about young lovers with a bad habit. 4:54 minutes. Watch here.

Consumer 69 Demo 2016

Demo/TapeConsumer 69 was first self-released online on September 11, 2016. Germany based noise label Econore re-released the demo on cassette on February 8, 2018. Cover art by Marijn Degenaar. Click here to listen.

Circular Ruins – Polar Kreis 2016

Shot on 16mm film with music by Circular Ruins. Watch here.