Jus Playing 2016
Music VideoA music video shot in the streets of Wedding, Berlin with camera by Alexandra Macdonnell. Watch here.
Music VideoA music video shot in the streets of Wedding, Berlin with camera by Alexandra Macdonnell. Watch here.
Music Video#fightforthereef. Click here to watch.
Music VideoShot at spiritual rehab in Springbrook, Australia. Watch it here.
Starring Harmony Molina. 1:45 minutes. You can watch it here.
Weblog Collected images. Check it out here.
Music Video Hannah Schiefelbein’s former band Acid Casualty. Starring herself as Hannibal, Lei Gryffydd as Lethal, Mai Gryffydd as Mayhem, Johnny Tucker as Pinky and Shaun South as himself. Conceptualized, directed, edited and shot by Hannah Schiefelbein in Melbourne, Australia. … Continue reading
A pseudo-documentary examining the act of showering from an extraterrestrial perspective. Starring Hannah Evans as The Alien, Benjamin Woodward as The Man and Kathryn Ellen Walton as The Woman. Soundtrack by Kieran Hegarty of Superstar. 6:15 minutes. Watch here.